To many, this may sound trite, but if I were called today to my final reward, I would gladly go, knowing I could spend my time traveling,






and resting, along the dusty roads of paradise forever. 








By now your cynicism is undoubtedly at a peak.  You’re probably not so much curious as sharpening your claws ready to pounce.  I mean, everyone’s got a concept of Heaven, and they’re mostly self-serving, and often downright lame.  To this I answer, you have to believe in something.  Have any doubts?  Join us next year!  It just may change your life as it did mine.


For those who want more information, don't hesitate to drop Greg a line at, or stop me anytime at church.  If there's interest, we might consider a group trip for 2004.  Teens, adults, either, this is absolutely an event for ALL ages. 


Saint Michael Home Page

Pictures from the Cornerstone web site,  and taken by Greg Eckstrom.